How to make a complaint
Making a complaint can seem difficult, but we want to make it as easy as possible for you
to get things right. We strongly encourage you to let us know if you are not happy about
any aspect of the services we offer; whether we have got something wrong or there is a
problem with the way we are working with you. The sooner you tell us, the sooner we can
do something about it. If you have a concern about something, please let a staff member
know as soon as you can, and see if they can resolve the issue. Often this can quickly sort
the matter out, but if it doesn’t, please feel free to make a formal complaint.
No one will make your life hard because you have decided to make a complaint. When
you complain, we will deal with you in a friendly and professional way; treat your complaint
seriously and keep it confidential; put right any mistakes as quickly as possible; and treat
you no different from other people because you have made a complaint. If we have made
a mistake we will explain what went wrong and why; say sorry; and learn from our
There may be occasions where individuals outside of SAP Care and Support or workers
from an external agency disagree with a decision which we have made. In such instance,
individuals or agencies are encouraged to use the complaints procedure and we will
endeavor to resolve the matter as amicable as possible. Individuals and external agencies
are encouraged to use the complaints procedure to let us know about situations, should
they occur, where they do not agree with something. We will work to put things right as
quickly as possible, and where necessary undertake training programs.
You should put your complaint in writing or ask someone to do it for you. There are
different people you might want to ask to help you make your complaint – for example a
friend or relative, your Social Worker or your Support Worker.
Give your complaint to any staff member. You may also have someone present with you
when you are presenting your complaint or during investigations of complaints.
The Service Manager will look at your complaint and will talk to anyone they need to in
order to see if your complaint is upheld. We aim to acknowledge receipt of your complaint
within 48 hours. Our policy is to deal with complaints, having investigated within 10 days
depending on whether further investigations need to be carried out. If we cannot give you
a full reply within this time, we will tell you who is dealing with your complaint, what they
have done so far, and when you can expect a full reply.
They will keep a record of how they have investigated your complaint. When they have
finished they will tell you whether your complaint is upheld, and the reasons for their
decision. They will do this in writing. If they decide that your complaint is upheld then they
will tell you what they plan to do to put things right. If you disagree with the decision made,
you may appeal against this decision. Appeals will be considered if they are made in
writing and made within 21 days from the date of the decision.
If you are unhappy with the manager’s decision (or if your complaint is about the manager
in the first place), then you can go to your Social Worker or advocate and say why you are
not satisfied. He or she will look at the complaint and will let you know what they think.
This policy will be reviewed annually by the registered manager.
Next review due: 18/08/2024